Seema Bagul

Only a mother can understand the level of anxiety of a parents. I am sure, like your children, you yourself are also on a cross road and it has become quite a difficult to make a selection of the right path that can lead to a right destination, that is full of worldly achievements and satisfaction of fulfilment. All our life long efforts, our sacrifices and our hard work have to promise a brighter career to our child.

We have dreams for our children and we pursue to bring them into reality. However, the present day situation is making our journey quite a difficult task. Since the world is becoming flat, a number of problems have cropped up, of course, with the opportunities. A cut throat competition is the routine and you just cannot move ahead without first securing your place in the competition.

I personally feel that a school education with higher number of marks is the need of the hour. However, the values for life are equally important for ensuring an all round success of the student. We have therefore, devised the entire education process at the Navnirman High which takes care of all these important factors.

I sincerely invite you to share my dreams which are similar to your dreams. Let us jointly ensure a brighter, assuring and enviable career for your child. We believe in walking the talk.

I assure you that, I am committed to whatever is expressed above.

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Abhijit Hegshetye
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Seema Bagul
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Arvind Patil
    © 2024 Navnirman High
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