Campus |
Ensuring a happy, healthy environment in which our children enjoy learning is central to our ethos. The school has an excellent building and a good sized playground, which enable children to participate in various sports activities. |
Classrooms |
Scientific research has proved that the brain takes in more information only in a comfortable temperature and environment. Our classrooms are bright, cheerful and spacious. To insure each child benefits from the learning experiences at school we have an ideal teacher child ratio. |
Science Laboratory |
To acquire the ability to observe, experiment, hypothesise, infer, handle equipment accurately and make correct recordings, we have well equipped Science Lab. |
Transport |
The School's first concern is the child's welfare and the school has a duty to protect the child at all times.
In the interest of safeguarding the school has two mini buses as safety conveyance of pupils. |
Library and Maths Laboratory |
A school library is not merely a collection or store house of book, but it is in fact a treasure house of knowledge. There are books of all types & topics. Library books are regularly replaced and there is an annual review and update of resources for classrooms and for the different subject area. Our Laboratory of Mathematics provide children a meaningful experience in problem solving, number usage and practical application of initial number concepts. |
© 2024 Navnirman High
S.M. Joshi Vidyaniketan, P-63 , M.I.D.C., Mirjole, Ratnagiri - 415 639
Phone : 02352 - 228441. E-mail - navnirmanhigh@gmail.com |
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